[Tarot Daily Fortune] 15. THE DEVIL Card Upright Interpretation


THE DEVIL Card Upright

Today's selected card is Card 15. THE DEVIL in the upright position.

The 'The Devil' card often signifies bondage, desire, and excessive attachment to material things. It appears when we are bound by a situation, a relationship, or our own negative thought patterns.

General Interpretation

The 'The Devil' card often shows that we are limiting ourselves, or we are excessively attached to a situation, a person, or ourselves. It also represents our denial or inability to control our desires and cravings.

Upright Interpretation

When 'The Devil' card appears upright, it symbolizes bondage, temptation, and excessive attachment to materialism. It indicates intense desires, mainly a lack of control over one's emotions or materialistic desires.

Today's Horoscope

Today, you may need to deeply consider if you are excessively attached or bound to a situation, a relationship, or your own thoughts. Recognizing what is limiting you or what you are overly fixated on could be a key challenge for the day.

Moreover, it is important today to honestly acknowledge and express your feelings and desires. This means not denying or hiding your desires and cravings but finding ways to accept and manage them. Often, it is not about denying or hiding your emotions and desires but accepting and regulating them.


Bondage, excessive attachment, recognition of emotions and desires, management of emotions and desires, overcoming self-limitation, psychological freedom, acknowledging inner desires, expression of emotions, changing thought patterns, self-liberation.


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