[Tarot Daily Fortune] 15. THE DEVIL Card Reversed Interpretation.


THE DEVIL Card Reversed

Today's selected card is Card 15. THE DEVIL in the reversed position.

The reversed 'The Devil' card symbolizes liberation from bondage, determination to break free from material desires or bad habits. This card can indicate that you are making efforts to escape a negative situation or habit.

General Interpretation

When 'The Devil' card appears reversed, it often signifies a will to break free from temptations, bondages, or negative habits. You may be recognizing such negative situations and striving to escape from them.

Reversed Interpretation

The reversed 'The Devil' card signifies that you are determined to free yourself from situations or habits that bind you. It also shows your awareness of these situations and your will to act for change. This card can symbolize the journey towards personal freedom and independence.

Today's Horoscope

Today, you might be making efforts to break free from negative habits or situations. Such efforts can be the first step in improving your life and moving in a better direction.

It's important to clearly recognize what these negative situations or habits are and to plan how to escape from them. Moreover, putting this plan into action is even more crucial.


Liberation from bondage, overcoming bad habits, determination for change, finding personal freedom and independence, recognizing negative situations, planning, the first step towards change, self-improvement, progress towards a better direction, executing plans.


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