[Tarot Daily Fortune] 17. THE STAR Card Reversed Interpretation


THE STAR Card Reversed

The card you have chosen today is number 17, THE STAR, in the reversed position.

Today's card is 'The Star' in its reversed position, signifying a loss of hope, disappointment, and a lack of confidence. You may feel frustrated about your dreams or goals today. These feelings can help you reassess your direction and consider how to move towards a more positive path.

General Interpretation

'THE STAR' card usually symbolizes hope and confidence. However, in the reversed position, it represents the loss of hope, disappointment, and a lack of confidence. It shows a lack of energy or motivation to achieve life goals, indicating obstacles that hinder the realization of dreams or goals.

Reversed Interpretation

The reversed 'THE STAR' card indicates a loss of hope, disappointment, and a lack of confidence. This might suggest feelings of disillusionment about your dreams or goals, or a lack of energy and motivation required for their realization. It can be an opportunity for you to reassess your direction and think about how to move forward in a more positive way.

Today's Fortune

Today, you might feel disappointed about your dreams or goals. However, this disappointment can serve as an impetus to reassess your direction and consider how to move forward positively. If you feel a lack of motivation or energy to achieve your dreams or goals, it's important to reevaluate your situation. Take time to think about what you truly desire, the obstacles in your way, and how you can overcome them.


Loss of hope, disappointment, lack of confidence, need for reevaluation, self-reflection, motivation for achieving goals, finding life direction, overcoming obstacles, balancing dreams and reality, discovering true goals.


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