[Tarot Daily Fortune] 19. THE SUN Card Reversed Interpretation


THE SUN Card Reversed

The card you have chosen today is number 19, THE SUN, in the reversed position.

When THE SUN (The Sun) card appears in the reversed position, it signifies temporary difficulties, a brief period of unhappiness, and feeling trapped in darkness for too long. Internal turmoil, dissatisfaction, and a negative self-image could be causing issues. This may feel like a loss of happiness, but it is ultimately a temporary state.

General Interpretation

The Sun card typically signifies positivity, happiness, success, and satisfaction. However, when it appears reversed, it indicates that these positive elements are momentarily obscured by darkness. This could mean that you are currently in a challenging situation or unable to feel happiness.

Reversed Interpretation

The reversed Sun card signifies temporary difficulties and a brief period of unhappiness. It might feel like you have lost your happiness, but this is only a transient state. If you are experiencing disappointments or failures at the moment, remember that they are temporary and you will eventually rediscover happiness and success.

Today's Fortune

Today, you may face temporary difficulties or confusion. However, it's important to remember that this is a transient state. Any failure or disappointment can ultimately be a lesson, and you have the ability to overcome it and find happiness and success again, just like the shining sun.

Additionally, this card reminds you that you might have forgotten your inner child. Rediscover and freely express your pure and creative side. This can greatly assist you in overcoming your current challenges.


Temporary difficulties, brief unhappiness, internal turmoil, loss of happiness, need to rediscover pure and creative aspects, hope in darkness, reinvention, dissatisfaction, negative self-image, darkness surrounding oneself, momentary disappointment.


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