[Tarot Daily Fortune] 16. THE TOWER Card Reversed Interpretation


THE TOWER Card Reversed

Today's card for you is card number 16, THE TOWER in the reversed position.

The reversed 'The Tower' card signifies fear of change, attempts to avoid inevitable situations, and a tendency to cling to the past. Today, you may find it difficult to accept necessary changes or confront a tendency to deny or avoid reality. However, this card serves as a reminder that accepting change and re-evaluating your values can be beneficial for you.

General Interpretation

'THE TOWER' card represents powerful change and uncomfortable truths. When this card appears in the reversed position, it indicates resistance or fear towards change. It shows a tendency to avoid or ignore necessary changes.

Reversed Interpretation

The reversed "THE TOWER" card indicates avoiding uncomfortable truths, fear of change, and clinging to the past. It suggests difficulties in accepting necessary changes and tendencies to deny or avoid current situations.

Today's Fortune

Today, it is important to embrace difficult changes. While your comfortable life might be shaken, this is a necessary process for growth and development. Do not fear change; by embracing it, you can gain a new perspective and opportunities for growth.

Also, facing reality rather than denying or avoiding it is crucial. Sometimes, confronting and overcoming difficult situations makes us stronger and allows us to grow.


Fear of change, avoidance, clinging to the past, acceptance of change, self-reflection, confrontation, growth, embracing change, acknowledging the truth.


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