[Tarot Financial Fortune] 17. The Star Card Reversed Interpretation


The Star Card Reversed

Your selected card is card number 17, The Star, in the reversed position.

When The Star appears reversed in a financial tarot reading, it signifies a period of disillusionment, lost hope, or lack of faith in one's financial future. 

This position may indicate feelings of discouragement or uncertainty regarding financial stability and growth. 

The reversed Star suggests the need to rediscover hope and to realign with your long-term financial goals and aspirations, even when immediate circumstances seem challenging.

General Interpretation

The reversed Star symbolizes a disconnect from the optimism and guidance that the upright Star provides. 

It may reflect a time when you feel overwhelmed by negativity or doubt, losing sight of your dreams and the belief in your ability to achieve them. 

This card calls for an inward journey to reignite your faith and to find the inner resources that can help you overcome pessimism and rekindle your aspirations.

Reversed Interpretation

In its reversed position, The Star warns of the dangers of losing hope and giving in to despair. It suggests that focusing solely on short-term challenges may be blinding you to the potential for long-term fulfillment and success. 

The reversed Star encourages you to lift your gaze and to remember that setbacks are temporary and that maintaining a positive outlook is essential for navigating through difficult times.

Financial Fortune Interpretation

Financially, The Star reversed indicates a need for reassessment and rejuvenation of your financial plans and aspirations. 

It may signal a time when financial optimism is low, and the path to abundance seems unclear. This card advises revisiting your financial goals, seeking inspiration, and possibly consulting with financial advisors or mentors who can offer guidance and encouragement. 

It emphasizes the importance of staying connected to your financial vision and working patiently and persistently towards it, even when progress seems slow.

The reversed Star in a financial context is a reminder that hope and positivity are crucial for overcoming financial obstacles and achieving prosperity. 

It calls for a renewal of faith in your financial journey and the adoption of a mindset that looks beyond immediate difficulties towards a brighter financial future.


Disillusionment, uncertainty, need for hope, reassessment of goals, seeking guidance, long-term success, renewal of faith.


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