[Tarot Love Fortune] 0. THE FOOL Card Reversed Interpretation
Your chosen card is number 0, THE FOOL, in the reversed position. When THE FOOL card appears reversed, it suggests the possibility of irresponsible actions or hasty decisions in love. This indicates that you may be losing prudence and responsibility in your current love relationship, or acting without fully understanding the situation. Caution and careful judgment are needed when making decisions about love. General Interpretation When THE FOOL card appears reversed in the context of love, it warns against irresponsible or rash actions. It suggests that you may act without a full understanding of the situation or lose prudence and responsibility in your love relationship. This implies that your love experiences and decisions may be influenced not by virtue but by imprudence. Managing your love relationship through careful judgment and communication with your partner is essential. Reversed Interpretation The FOOL card, when drawn reversed, signals a warning against rash actions or...